Drilling Spools 13 5/8" 10k

Drilling Spools 13 5/8" 10k c/o 3 1/16" 5k side outlet with certification.


Drilling Spool 13 5-8 10k

Drilling Spool 13 5-8 10k flange x 13 5- 10k hub with certs.


DSA 20 3-4 3k to 20 1-4 2k

DSA 20 3-4 3k to 20 1-4 2k w/ certification by wesco.


Diverter Spool 21 1/4" 2k

Diverter Spool 21 1/4" 2k flange top and bottom dressed w/ RX73 ring grooves with 12" side outlet flanged. API


T3 13 5/8" 10k Single Ram Bop

T3 13 5/8" 10k Single Ram BOP flange top & botttom w/ 316 stainless steel lined BX 159 ring grooves 2-4 1/16" 10k flange outlet w/ 316 stainless steel lined BX 155 ring grooves.


DSA 13 5/8" 10k x 11" 10k

Double Studded Adaptor 13 5/8" 10k BX159 x 11" 10k BX158 7" long with certification.


Gate Valve 4 1/16" 5k

WOM Gate Valve 4 1/16" 5k with certification by Ados. Serial No. 10214-3

Gate Valves

Shaffer 13 5/8" 10k Single Ram BOP

Shaffer 13 5/8 10k Single Ram BOP Type SL flange top & bottom BX 159 w/ 1ea 4 1/16" 10k side outlet ring grooves BX 155 & 1ea 2 1/16" 10k side outlet BX 153 dressed with blind flange.

Single 13 5-8 10k flange.jpg

Shaffer 13 5/8" 10k Double Ram BOP

Shaffer 13 5/8" 10k Double Ram BOP Type SL hub top & bottom BX 159 ring grooves with 2 side outlet 4 1/6" 10k BX 155 w/ 2 side outlet 2 1/16" 10k.

Double 13 5-8 10k hub.jpg

Shaffer 20 3/4" 3k Single Ram Bop

20 3/4" 3k Shaffer LWS Single BOP flange top & bottom with R74 ring grooves c/w 2 off flange side outlet fitted with blind flange.


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